Friday, February 15, 2013

I've been drawing

I put aside the knitting for a few minutes and spent some time getting ink on my fingers and wrangling pixels. I have an idea for yet another business; this one for stationery products, and I started coming up with ideas to produce. Some of the stuff I'm posting today fits that category, some of it is just playing around. You'll have to check back to discover which.

 I did this last night. The part I was most impressed with was my ability to draw a pentagon within the circle without using a ruler and eyeballing the angles. There were a ton of construction lines penciled in to this. If I used a protractor to do the circles instead of winging it, it would be even more precise. Yes, all I see are the flaws.
Circular knotwork pen and pencil. Sketchbook.
This next piece started as words and a box with lines. I think immediately after I got "My new" written, my granddaughter showed up at the house, and I put the book aside long enough to completely forget the object of the sentence. Oh well.
Doodling with Zentangle influence.
This next one I did on the computer (duh!), playing with the sri yantra. I want to blow this up poster size and just stare at it for a while.

And this one I did for my facebook page, based on a blog post by Neil Gaiman:

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